Teen Community Service

Group & Independent Teen Community Service Opportunities
Are you an East Providence student in grades 6-12 who needs community service?
We offer the following opportunities!

Community Service Programs (Group):


Book Reviews (Independent):


  • Choose a book from the young adult collection at the Weaver or Riverside Branch Library (Juvenile chapter books are also acceptable for students in grades 6-8)
  • Get your choice approved by our Teen Librarian (email to dskeldon@eplib.org)
  • Write an original review of at least 150 words to help other teens find a great book to read
  • Format your submission with your name and the chosen title at the top followed by your review of at least 150 words

Remember, we already have summaries of our books. We are excited to hear your reviews! We want to know what you thought about the book, and why. Give us details. Spill the tea!

You will earn three hours of service for each approved submission (limit two per student, per school year). Keep in mind that summaries will not be accepted.

Submit your finished review along with the form below to Danielle Skeldon, Teen Librarian, at dskeldon@eplib.org.

Forms must be completed and all submissions approved before service hours will be given.

CS Sub Form

To print this form click here:SubForm.pdf (eastprovidencelibrary.org)

Please note:

Please email Danielle at dskeldon@eplib.org to get your verification sheet.

If you have done independent work, please submit it at least 1 week before you need to hand in your verification sheet.. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE.


*There is no guarantee that Danielle will be available to help you if you walk in so please contact her in advance.*